Love is an Action, Not A Word


Recently I have been going through a tough break-up. The worst break-up ever for me as I do not understand what went wrong and well the man I fell in love with, the man I wanted to marry is gone, he has changed. He's a cheater and pulled me along and it's rather sad so I will spare you the details. Over this process a friend of mine Keri reminded me that "Love is an action, not a word" and I think this was just what I needed to hear. Blank-Space-main-467

Love is an action, not a word not only suitable when it comes to dating but also moving forward. For the last wee while I have been struggling and my body has been suffering. I gave him all my love, putting him first and now it's my time for love. It's time to give it love so with that said I am going to work on #ProjectHannah - Love via actions and not just words.

Here are the actions I am putting in place -

  1. Cleanse - I have started to clean out my room - and my life. We tend to hold memories into things and I do. So I am cutting the crap from my life. No more, if it's not a hell yes it's not happening. Boys, friends, make-up, clothes and general stuff.
  2. Daily Stresses - Driving in central Auckland is a pain, then you have to find a park! Hell no - I am going to walk to work - it will take me 30 minutes but will allow me a chance to get some fresh air, play some tunes and get the blood pumping.
  3. Health - Okay so my health is not to bad but my fitness …that's another story.
  4. Fitness - I am going to see Rochelle at the start of the week to work on my booty and just coz Rochelle gets me mentally so I need her in my life. Mid week I am going to see Coach Rhys for a killer workout and I want to train with Matt Foreman - I want to workout with someone but someone who is pretty dedicated to help me keep going. I want to train with people who impress me. I also want to be strong both mentally and physically.
  5. Plan a holiday - Right now I am meant to be in London soon to fly to Cyprus lol but nope I also had some rad NYE plans made but nope it's time to do something for me so I am going to plan for my next big adventure with a friend.

Okay so this is my list for now but I have plenty to focus on, plenty of good to get me going and #projectHannah is in full force!

Do you have any other ideas? 

Hannah Rogers, The Modern Girl

photos via Instagram