5 Things Keeping Me Feeling Good and Motivated Right Now


If I feel good then hitting the gym and chasing my goals just seems easier. I have been intuned to those small things that have been making my journey easier and keeping my motivation on high.  My goals have been simple. Eat healthier and move more. Nothing crazy just making sure I get my workouts in and spend more time with veggies and greens and less time eating ice-cream.  

It's important to note that these things are unique to me,  it's just the little things that make me feel good, and when I feel good, I lift good.

These are the things that are motivating me right now. 

  1. Energy Bracelets by Earth, Wind & indigo -  These bracelets from Earth, Wind & Indigo represent different energies and goals.  Not only does the bracelet serve as a reminder of my goals but it also kept me in tune with my body. For me right now I have the Weight Loss bracelet as well as Abundance. To take it further pair it with a Power Pack. I have the Every beat of your Heart Power Pack which comes with a stunning objet d'art box. Premium grade rose quartz crystal, chain in sterling silver 24" long. Also included is a little buddha - your bhuddy as its called - and an affirmation card for you to read on the daily. I keep mine by my main mirror, and I look at it daily. I am not one for meditation (Working on it) but if you are this could help. 
  2.  A fake tan - I know after I get a tan I just feel better, I have a glow about me. More recently I have been looking at ways in which to make the tanning process easier and have been using St Tropez Gradual Tan In-Shower LotionJust three mins in the shower for three days and boom, a gradual natural tan. I feel good and I'm giving my skin some love too. I have been trying the rest of the range by St Tropez so stay tuned for a beauty review soon.  
  3. Skin Love -  On Thursday nights I love to do a mask, and I have been enjoying the By Nature Purifying Charcoal mask and they have just come out with a Purifying Charcoal + Manuka Honey Mask which comes in clay sachet perfect for on the go or travelling. Wearing makeup less and looking at myself in the mirror at the gym after a good sweat session it is a good feeling to be pro active and clear those toxins out to purify, soothe and recharge. 
  4. My PT Katie - Katie is one of the most passionate PT's I have met, and Katie motivates me. Knowing each Friday, I am seeing her keeps me going and keeps my diet on Track. Seeing Katie once a week allows me to troubleshoot any problems I may have but also arms me with new exercises to try without her.  
  5. Smart Shake - When you find that product that makes life easier everything just clicks in to place. SmartShake is the easiest way to carry your drinks, supplements and snacks wherever you go with a separate bottom. So for me, I have extra protein powder so I can have my shakes on the run without having to carry multiple shakers or containers. 

What motivates you, keeps you happy and on track with your goals? 

The Modern Girl