My Morning Gym Routine with L'Occitane Aqua Reotier


I have two primary goals right now, in short they are to be the fittest healthiest me but to break it down its 4 weights sessions ( two with my PT) and 2 CrossFit sessions a week as well as cleaning my diet up and most importantly staying hydrated, something which is even harder in the colder months. To achieve my goals and see improvements, I have had a good hard look at my routine, and those roadblocks and barriers which seem to hold me back. Regarding my fitness I'm not making the most of my time and my social life and events are taking over. Nutrition I am just not organised, and after my night time training, all I want is Subway and quick fixes. I am also not taking a drink bottle to meetings and getting that water’s too cold. My face also isn’t getting the love it needs after a long day.  It’s all adding up, and I'm keen to get back on track.

Knowing that one big issue stopping me getting all my training sessions in is my social calendar, there were a few options. Firstly to pull back on social events….not ideal, and the second option was early bedtimes and early morning gym starts. This is the best answer.


Putting my goals first by starting with that gym session. I get up, and I have been washing my face with the L'Occitane Aqua Réotier Water Gel Cleanser and then following it with the Aqua Réotier Thirst Quenching Gel. This Gel is light, with thousands of microbubbles that instantly recharge skin with water, instant refresh ness waking me up at 5 am for my gym session. I arrive at the gym rest assured my skin is ready to go and I'm not puffy and red with that just out of bed look.

We all want hydrated, soft plump skin, myself included. With the change of seasons, intense workouts on my plan and continuously chasing those goals I have been putting L'Occitane Aqua Réotier to the test to see if it can keep up, and keep me looking and feeling good.


The latest collection from L’Occitane is one which came at the perfect time. The Aqua Réotier collection is based on hydration and is made using spring water from the Reotier spring in Provence France. After discovering the spring, L’Occitane decided to test it, and it has been proven that the water from this spring contains ten times more calcium than other French thermal springs.

The products contain mineral water rich in calcium from the Reotier Spring, hyaluronic acid & glycerin. Calcium is a crucial factor in helping skin to retain moisture and hydration assisting the natural regeneration process of the epidermis and improves its hydration level.  Hyaluronic acid can maintain 1000 times its weight in water, and glycerin helps to protect the skin against irritating factors and, of course, helps hydration. So yes, lots of hydration everywhere.

After my gym session, of course, I use the full range. I use the Aqua Réotier Water Gel Cleanser in the shower to cleanse thoroughly before following in with my new favourite product, Aqua Réotier Moisture Prep Essence, It is, in my opinion, a hybrid between a serum and a toner. At first, I dismissed this product but it fast became the fave, it worked well with the rest of the range.


I swipe a cotton pad soaked with the essence over my face and neck usually but when at the gym I just used my hands. I leave it to settle for a few minutes before going in with my moisturiser.  I find my skin looks plump and hydrated immediately after use and isn't left dry and tight the way a toner can.

I then finish with the Thirst Quenching Cream - this cream has a sense of luxury. My face isn’t as red post workout, and my makeup glides on with ease. Super important.


I have been using these products day and night but paying particular attention to my workouts. Applying the cream before my workouts to reduce redness and give my skin hydration before it needs it. I have found my skin has adjusted better to the seasons, is plumper and my makeup is lasting the distance.

This morning gym routine has set me up for the day. My workout is done, my skin is protected and by starting strong intentions are clear for the remainder of the day to keep it up. I track my water intake on my Fitbit app and my nutrition.

So tell me how are you tackling your goals this winter and how are you keeping hydrated? Also, are you going to try L'Occitane?

Hannah xx

#AquaReotier #bethirstyfor #Loccitane #LoccitaneNZ