For The Love of Tour Guides: My Topdeck Review


When my Topdeck USA brochure listed "Awesome Trip Leader" as an Inclusion I didn't even think twice what I didn't expect? The world's best trip and a very rad trip leader. My Travel Agent (and travel buddy) booked the 14 Day Coast to the Bay Topdeck tour taking us from Los Angeles to San Francisco. It was my first every group trip (Since those college days)  so here are some key points.

You will care about the people you are traveling with

I started the first day nervous, I met them all and I was tired. Like in two weeks time, I'm not actually going to speak to these people again. Well, I was wrong! Here is the thing! You create the best memories when you're traveling and your tour group, guide included, are part of those memories. I wouldn't change any of it for the world and if anything I wish I took more group photos.

The group in Zion National Park.

You save traveling in a group 

My Topdeck tour was reasonably priced but not only that while on the trip I learnt so much more about how and where I could save money. Turns out when you're in a big group you can get "group discounts". Tour guide Tyler also taught us how to 'tip' and found us epic discounts along the way.

You will cover more ground/ Get more done

Being on the bus, being told when to have breaks, being on a time schedule it all made us get the most out of the trip which I appreciated. Even things like being at the Grand Cayon and having dinner brought to us. That was epic and it meant more time on the Grand Canyon.

I learnt so much

My tour guide he was amazing, I don't think he knows this but he brought back my passion for learning.  At the start, I wasn't fussed, but by the end of  the trip I wanted to know it all. Poor guy, I stuck to his side like glue asking a billion questions. I seriously cannot thank him enough which leads me to my next point.

Tyler and I up Yosemite

The Tour Guide was AMAZING. 

Okay so each tour will have a different tour guide but I wanted to take a little time out to rave about my particular tour guide, Tyler. Tyler, Tyler, Tyler. This guy did it all. He partied with us, he helped us, and even when things went pear shaped (I threw up on the bus) he was there. Not mad, just helpful.  I will never forget the night I had in San Fran dancing in the oldest local bar and eating Egg Spring rolls. Mad respect for tour guides everywhere.

So would I Topdeck again? Hell yes. Here is the thing, I've always wanted to move to the states but it's not easy. I am going to try and make that happen but just in case, just to keep me motivated I got a new Topdeck Catalogue just to keep the hustle going.

As always, if you have any questions let me know.

Hannah Rogers, The Modern Girl