I Get My Teeth Whitened - Lovelysmiles a review + Questions Answered


I have wanted to get my teeth whitened for a while now but a few factors have been holding me back - Pain, damage to my teeth and pain. After reading about Lovelysmiles I knew now was the time to give teeth whitening ago.  Lovelysmiles is the only teeth whitening system that is endorsed by the NZ Fernmark, as it is the only system developed in NZ which not only whitens your teeth but strengthens the enamel also whilst giving you a pain-free and sensitivity free experience. 

I was booked in for the Ultimate Whitening Session, (If you are going to do it, do it right!) and my experience at Lovelysmiles was fantastic. Actually better than I had anticipated. JJ and his team were informative and knew what they were talking about, they also cared. 

We started by checking my smile out and identifying the colour on the colour chat. I then proceeded to get comfortable while the application was applied to my teeth and working its magic. The experience was so relaxing I was able to mediate.  I CAN CONFIRM, I did not feel any pain or sensitivity. My jaw just got a little sore from smiling.

I left Lovelysmiles more confident and super happy. My teeth are off the charts.

I also left with some insight into Lovelysmiles as a business and I want to share it with you as it truly struck a note with me. Firstly Lovelysmiles was founded in New Zealand, with the product now being sold globally!This is a true kiwi success story! Today Dental clinics and Non-dental practitioners in NZ use Lovelysmiles Teeth Whitening Gel as their preferred choice of product for their patients. 

Furthermore, Lovelysmiles has a motto that they want everyone to leave smiling, from clients through to the courier man and I truly believe this as a business practice is beautiful. My favourite bit of insight is that JJ the man behind Lovelysmiles named the brand after his wife, Lovely - I don't know about you but that melts my heart!

I totally recommend if you visit a business, and are face to face with the owner ask them questions, find out what makes them tick. I can tell you now I left with more than just whiter teeth. 

If you have any questions please let me know, or let the team at Lovelysmiles know they will be happy to help. 

The Modern Girl